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Mahlkönig GRINDZ™ Grinder cleaner


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Mahlkönig GRINDZ™ Grinder cleaner

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€ 39,00

Beschikbaarheid: Op voorraad

The product is the first ever cleaner for coffee grinders. The product is a proprietary formula of grains, cereals, and pharmaceutical grade binders in a coffee bean shaped tablet. 

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The product is the first ever cleaner for coffee grinders. The product is a proprietary formula of grains, cereals, and pharmaceutical grade binders in a coffee bean shaped tablet. When ground through your coffee grinder, the product gently dislodges coffee particles while also absorbing coffee oil residue.

There are only food safe and edible ingredients in this product.  As a result, the product presents no risk is residue is consumed and it will be flavor neutral to your coffee.

In pursuit of ways to help customers serve the best tasting coffee, the team at Urnex Brands has dedicated itself to helping eliminate the chance of coffee oil residue contaminating future brews.  Cleaning a grinder has always been a challenge since water cannot be used on the burrs or around electric motors.  The process of opening a grinder can also be very intimidating due to the small parts and precision involved in positioning burrs.  Finding a way to clean a grinder without opening the machine became a valuable product concept.

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Model Nee
Grinder Model Nee


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